How to Stay Connected with Family and Friends While Studying Abroad

How to Keep in Touch with Your Family and Friends While Abroad

Studying abroad is such a beautiful and life-changing experience. From getting to know new cultures, and taking different perspectives from foreign backgrounds, to fulfilling academic goals, it is a time full of learning. Feeling homesick, however, is driven by that fact. Emotional well-being will be highly helped if students manage to stay in contact with their families and friends. In this blog post, we are going to consider the most useful strategies that will help a student keep up with family and friends during study abroad programs and stay connected despite the miles between you.

1. Master Digital Communication Tools

A. Video Calling Apps

Video calling apps like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet are godsent in maintaining face-to-face contact. Getting into the habit of scheduling regular video calls will help to make the distance at least bearable, allowing you to share experiences in real time. This also helps one to stay in touch without feeling overwhelmed by the various time zones due to the setting of a fixed time so that you know when to call each other.

B. Explore Messaging Platforms

Instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal are perfect for quick everyday communication. They allow one to share photos, videos, and updates on the spot, thus keeping up with loved ones easily. Group chats might also come in handy when one wants to keep several friends and family members in the loop simultaneously.

2. Create a Communication Schedule

A. Set Up Regular Check-Ins

Setting up a regular communication schedule manages expectations and keeps you in touch regularly. It could be a video call every week or just an email update every two weeks. Having a plan will help to keep you in touch without rushing or forcing an issue.

b. Use Online Time Zone Converters:

This will prevent miscommunication and missing each other’s calls. A time zone converter can be used to find a time that will suit all. Setting up the calls or messages around times convenient to both you and the loved one ensures everybody is free and ready to communicate.

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3. Share Your Study Abroad Experience

A. Start a Blog or Social Media Page

By developing a blog or even a page on social media relating to the study abroad experience, students should be able to publish their experiences for friends and family. One can keep loved ones updated on the life and experiences they have while studying abroad through periodic updates, pictures, and stories. This will also be a way for them to comment and like your posts.

b. Sending postcards and care packages.

Sending postcards or care packages from your study abroad location is a kind of way of sharing part of your experience. Being able to see your words on paper and getting something physically is touching and more real. The care packages could contain some local souvenirs or treats that will make it all the more memorable for them.

4. Engage in Family and Friends’ Occasions

A. Attend Online Celebrations

In case of large events or celebrations back home, such as birthdays, holidays, or family gatherings, try participating virtually if the event allows for this. You may virtually attend events, send congratulatory messages, or even surprise with a video call to make sure you are present in important moments.

B. Share Schedules in Advance

Keep in touch with family and friends back home about your study abroad schedule, comprising the most important dates, examination periods, and any other travel you plan. It keeps those at home up to speed with your availability and can plan their communications around your academic commitments.

5. Deal effectively with feelings of homesickness

A. Stay positive and care for yourself

Making the Most of Your Study Abroad Experience

It is quite normal to feel homesick while studying abroad. Good self-care can practice taking care of these feelings. Maintain a healthy routine and keep your body active; locally seek out support. Keeping a positive mindset helps you stay focused on your reason for studying abroad.

b. Seek Support from Study Abroad Programs

Many study abroad programs will offer support services that can help you adjust to your new environment. Avail yourself of these facilities, whether for homesickness through counseling services or from student support groups, that would help with homesickness and for practical advice in staying connected with loved ones.

6. Develop and Maintain Good Relations with Your Local Contacts

A. Establish a Support Network Abroad

Such friends can provide you with emotional support and make your time spent studying abroad even more rewarding. Interacting with your new friends and engaging in local activities significantly assists in dealing with homesickness and also provides a feeling of belonging.

B. Balance Social and Family Time

Even as keeping in touch with family and friends back home is very important, make sure that you also optimize your time abroad in experiencing the locale. Only in this way will you be able to balance keeping up with your long-distance relationships and fully immersing yourself in a new environment that furthers your personal and social well-being.


Staying in touch with family and friends while studying abroad is very instrumental in maintaining emotional support and continuing to foster relationships. Bridge the distance with digital communication tools, a structured communication plan, and sharing your experiences. The balance of virtual connections and engaging in a new environment is key to making sure you get the most out of your study abroad adventure while keeping those who matter close. By applying these methods, you can create an experience abroad that is enriching yet sustained in connectivity with meaningful individuals at home.

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